FAQs - VCX Nano for GM WIFI Version


FAQs - VCX Nano for GM WIFI Version


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1. Question: I need to clear codes on my 2014 Chevy Volt. I just bought the VXDIAG VCX NANO for GM/OPEL. I have a laptop with Windows 10 Home. Will this work? Do I need anything else to clear the codes?
Hi, you’re good to go with the GDS2 software for your 2014 Chevy Volt. However, you’ll need to upgrade your laptop to Windows 10 Pro, as the Home version isn’t supported. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!
2. Question: Can this be used to reprogram the speed limit governor (limiter) on a 2019 Chevy Bolt EV?
Answer: Hi, to adjust the speed limiter on your 2019 Chevy Bolt EV, you’ll need to do it through an official online subscription. Let us know if you have any other questions!
3. Question: Does this work with Windows 11 Pro? Can it program a vehicle VIN to the TCM for a 2011 GMC Yukon? Can it program custom idle speed?
Answer: Yes, it can work on Windows 11 Pro. For programming the VIN or custom idle speed, you would need an official online subscription to use with our device as a J2534 interface. Hope this helps!
4. Question: Can I use this to program the BCM module for a 2003 Oldsmobile Alero?
Answer: You can definitely use it for BCM programming, but you’ll need an ACDelco online subscription to get it done.
5. Question: Hi, has Tech2Win been tested on a Hyper-V virtual machine running Windows?
Answer: We haven't tested Tech2Win on a Hyper-V virtual machine, as it’s only supported on Windows 10 Pro and Windows 7 Pro 32-bit.
6. Question: Is this product compatible with a 2006-2007 Opel Signum for diagnosis and programming?
Answer: Unfortunately, the device and GDS2 software only support Opel models from 2010 onward. Tech2Win cannot support older Opel models before 2010.
7. Question: I have a 2009 Chevy HHR, and I need to reset the fuel composition. Can this tool do that? My alcohol fuel percentage reading is incorrect.
Answer: To perform a fuel composition reset on your 2009 Chevy HHR, you'll need to use the tool with an online SPS2 Techline Connect subscription.
8. Question: Is Windows 10 Professional compatible with the Nano GM wireless/wired device?
Answer: Hello, you can use GDS2 software on Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, and Tech2Win also runs on that system. However, factory engineers advise using Windows 7 Pro 32-bit for Tech2Win, as it offers better stability.
9. Question: Hi, is this compatible with Holden vehicles? Specifically a 2009 Holden VE Commodore.
Answer: Apologies, but for your vehicle, Tech2Win software is required. However, our version of Tech2Win does not support Holden vehicles.
10. Question: Is it possible to disable AFM on a 2009 GMC Sierra truck?
Answer: Hi, we checked with our engineers, and they confirmed that to disable AFM, you'll need to use the original online SPS2 service.
11. Question: I have an N52GM08931 VCX Nano with a GM GDS2 license. Is it possible to add Ford/Mazda software to it?
Answer: Hi, the VCX Nano GM is designed to support only one brand, so adding a Ford license isn't possible. However, we do have a new FD series that supports both GM and Ford. Thank you for your understanding.
12. Question: Will this allow me to clear codes on a 2015 Chevy Volt?
Answer: Yes, it supports the 2015 Chevy Volt and can clear codes using the GDS2 software directly.
13. Question: My USB mini port is broken, but I have the WiFi version of GDS2. How do I get the WiFi to work?
Answer: For WiFi setup, it's simple. Just connect the VCI to the car to power it up. On your computer, open the network connections, and you'll find a WiFi network named "VCX VCI*****". Click to connect, and use the password "12345678". These are the steps from our official website: https://vxdiag.com/pages/how-to-connect-devices

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