Problem Description:
When the user tries to re-learn the VIN number in the navigation radio of a 2011 Cadillac CTS, the following errors occur:

Program crashes after selecting VXDIAG as the device type:
When selecting MDI or MDI 2, the VCX NANO is not recognized.
After selecting radio programming, the screen freezes and crashes.
The program always crashes after the module selection screen.
Possible Solutions:
Renew License and Update Firmware in VX Manager
Ensure the device is connected to the vehicle. If VX Manager shows no voltage (as it did previously), there is no communication between the device and the vehicle.
Avoid Installing VX Manager and Software on Windows 10 Home Edition
It is recommended to use a different version of Windows for installation.
Install VX Manager and GDS2/Tech2win on Separate Laptops
On the laptop where VX Manager is installed, only install the Passthru driver.
Reinstall Techline Connect Program
Install the Passthru Driver
Install the VXDIAG Passthru Driver