How to Remove VAG Component Protection Using VXDIAG Device and ODIS

How to Remove VAG Component Protection Using VXDIAG Device and ODIS - VXDIAG Official Website

In automotive repair and diagnostics, VAG Component Protection (CP) is a common challenge. The VAG group (including Volkswagen, Audi, Skoda, and other brands) uses component protection technology to ensure vehicle security and prevent the replacement of parts without authorization. Many vehicle owners and technicians may encounter situations where removing component protection is necessary. This article will guide you on how to remove VAG component protection using the VXDIAG device and ODIS system.

1. What is VAG Component Protection?

VAG Component Protection (CP) is an anti-theft technology that ensures only authorized parts and accessories can be installed in a vehicle. For example, when replacing in-car electronics (such as infotainment systems, control modules, etc.), the system will require the removal of component protection. This means that after replacing the part, the vehicle's electronic system will require the removal of the protection in order for the new part to function correctly.

2. Removing Component Protection with VXDIAG Device and ODIS

While VAG component protection is designed to ensure vehicle security, it can be a hassle during repairs. If you are using the VXDIAG VCX SE 6154 and ODIS S (Offboard Diagnostic Information System), you can follow the correct steps to remove the component protection. However, it's important to note that ODIS offline version cannot remove CP. You will need a GeKo online account to perform this task.

Step 1: Preparation

First, ensure that you have a valid GeKo online account as removing component protection requires online authorization. Without an online account, ODIS offline version cannot remove VAG component protection.

  • Prepare the VXDIAG device and ensure it is properly connected.
  • Install and run the ODIS S software.
  • Make sure your device can successfully connect to your online account to enable GeKo authorization.

Here are the steps to remove VAG component protection using VXDIAG device and ODIS:

Step 2: Enter Vehicle Details

  1. Open the ODIS S software.
  2. Enter the vehicle details (such as make, model, year, etc.), ensuring the vehicle is compatible with the ODIS system.
Enter the vehicle details

Step 3: Run Full Diagnostics

  1. Run a full diagnostic program to ensure the system has detected all modules and parts.
  2. During the diagnostic process, ODIS will generate some test plans.
Run Full Diagnostics

Step 4: Access Control Modules

  1. Switch to the Control Modules tab.
  2. Find and select the Information Electronics (005F) module in the list.
  3. Right-click on the module and choose Guided Functions.
Access Control Modules

You should see the ‘Information Electronics’ (005F) right click it

Step 5: Execute Programming

  1. Click Run and let the tool complete the programming process.
  2. Once the process is complete, you should see the Component Protection (CP) has been successfully removed.
Right click and select Guided Functions

Step 6: Complete the Operation

After the programming process is complete, your system should show a message indicating that component protection has been successfully removed. At this point, you can proceed with other diagnostic or repair operations, or return the vehicle to the owner.

Click Run and let the tool complete its programming.

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