Want to learn about the Firmware Update Guide?
21/05/2024 ---- V1.9.5.0
UPD: Update for BENZ Xentry Diagnosis 2024.06
12/04/2023 ---- V1.9.4.3
FIX: Firmware v1.9.4.0 caused the K-Line failure on BENZ hardware.
03/04/2023 ---- V1.9.4.2
FIX: TP20 protocol BS_ECU == 1 cause send data failure.
ADD: Add MxxZB device model support.
27/03/2023 ---- V1.9.4.1
FIX: TP20 protocol T3_ECU parameter must be verified.
22/02/2023 ---- V1.9.4.0
FIX: CAN_PS and K-Line OBD7 pins can operate simultaneously.
10/01/2023 ---- V1.9.3.1
ADD: Add H6M device model support.
OPT: Optimize ISO15765 for receiving unordered consecutive frame.
28/10/2022 ---- V1.9.3.1
FIX: Fix device license invalid sometimes.
20/10/2022 ---- V1.9.3.0
UPD: Update for BENZ Xentry Diagnosis 2022.09
NOTE: If XENTRY VCI SN is 00000000 or invalid, Please update VCI firmware and reboot!
28/09/2022 ---- V1.9.2.0
OPT: Optimize KL15 signal acquisition (fix KL15 unstable on some hardware models).
01/06/2022 ---- V1.9.1.2
FIX: TP20 protocol transmit segment data error process (programming interrupt).
14/04/2022 ---- V1.9.1.0
FIX: TP20 protocol receive segment data break with testconn ACK.
13/12/2021 ---- V1.9.0.0
UPD: Update for BENZ Xentry Diagnosis 2021.09 and 2021.12
NOTE: If XENTRY VCI SN is 00000000 and invalid, Please update VCI firmware and reboot!
16/11/2021 ---- V1.8.6.0
OPT: TP20 protocol support DoNet mode.
OPT: TP16 protocol support DoNet mode.
OPT: ISO9141/ISO14230 KLine idle wait process.
FIX: J1939 protocol PGN receive process (John Deere EDL).
ADD: DA device model support.
ADD: MAX device model support.
20/11/2020 ---- V1.8.5.0
MOD: ISO15765 P2MAX.
ADD: ISO14230 PID_FORCE_WAIT_IDLE force to wait idle when init.
ADD: KT device model support.
24/10/2020 ---- V1.8.4.0
FIX: Fix J1850-PWM protocol for Ford IDS OBD mode diagnosis.
19/10/2020 ---- V1.8.3.0
FIX: Fix VCI software may crash after soft reset.
FIX: Fix license read error in some conditions.
OPT: Optimize remote diagnosis DoNet connection stability.
15/09/2020 ---- V1.8.2.0
FIX: TP20 protocol programming failure.
FIX: ISO15765 P2Max process (Ford Mondeo test error).
OPT: Optimize remote diagnosis DoNet connection stability.
21/08/2020 ---- V1.8.0.0
UPD: Update new platform with SDK v1.8.0.0
ADD: LIN bus protocol.
FIX: OBD IGSW pin voltage read.
16/04/2020 ---- V1.6.6.0
FIX: TP20 protocol MNST repeat send process (ODIS engineering programming).
FIX: ISO15765_EXT_BMW simulator send (DoNET remote diagnosis).
15/12/2019 ---- V1.6.5.0
ADD: ISO11898 protocol multiple send mode (for DoNet).
11/10/2019 ---- V1.6.4.1
ADD: Hardware model NTG.
26/08/2019 ---- V1.6.4.0
FIX: ISO15765 protocol receive message with mixed ext address (PORSCHE 970).
15/08/2019 ---- V1.6.3.0
FIX: Some hardware (H6 serials) read ignition voltage.
FIX: 5 Baud simulation receive.
02/08/2019 ---- V1.6.2.0
ADD: FACTORY SerialNumber.
ADD: Fast software reset.
FIX: 29Bit CANID filter clear error (BENZ ACTORS 963).
FIX: J1939 protocol send long frame (CAT Flash).
IMP: Memory space.
02/07/2019 ---- V1.6.1.0
FIX: ISO14230/9194 compatible with BENZ KW2K2N MR OBD-9 bus.
26/06/2019 ---- V1.6.0.0
IMP: J1939 protocol channel support multiple ECU network communication (CAT-C9).
IMP: Automatically identify the interface using the SN.
18/04/2019 ---- V1.5.5.0
ADD: Support new bus mux chip.
UPD: VCXBoot v1.5.1.0.
09/04/2019 ---- V1.5.4.0
FIX: IO Expansion chip identification.
11/03/2019 ---- V1.5.3.0
IMP: ISO15765 performance for receiving 4KB message (BENZ DTS read all coding).
02/03/2019 ---- V1.5.2.0
FIX: ISO15765 FlowControl state 31 process (BENZ 205 SCN Error).
ADD: Support H6P VCI interface identification.
21/02/2019 ---- V1.5.0.0
UPD: VCXBoot v1.5.0.0 multiple app boot and update.
FIX: J1939 flow control process when broadcast mixed with normal message (CUMMINS-QSC8.3).
IMP: USB connection status and others.
27/12/2018 ---- V1.4.11.0
FIX: J1939 Filter PGN=00EF00 with connection management (CAT-320D2).
FIX: J1939 broadcast filter and broadcast mixed with normal message (CUMMINS-QSM11).
IMP: Host and device communication performance (Fix communication CS error sometimes).
30/11/2018 ---- V1.4.10.0
FIX: ISO15765 flow control frame send error.
FIX: CAN2 driver control process.
ADD: V83 new hardware bus switch (Read OBD Pin Voltage).
FIX: J1708 pin initiation.
10/05/2018 ---- V1.4.4.0
FIX: BENZ C6 CAN Bus KL15 signal filter.
FIX: BENZ C6 MBISO 5BPS initialization.
04/12/2017 ---- V1.4.2.0
FIX: HS-CAN error when multiple channels working (JLR).
07/11/2017 ---- V1.4.1.0
FIX: J1939 protocol error for CUMMINS CM850.
17/09/2017 ---- V1.4.0.0
ADD: Expansion DoIP device information sync with VCX.
05/09/2017 ---- V1.3.6.0
OPT: CAN PS switch logic.
OPT: TP20 protocol for J2534.
FIX: KW1281 reset to IDLE when tx error.
26/08/2017 ---- V1.3.5.0
FIX: v1.3.4.0 error for CAN OBD12/13.
23/08/2017 ---- V1.3.4.0
FIX: CAN lost data in callback when multi-channel scanning (PORSCHE).
FIX: CAN block filter do not set to hardware.
ADD: J1850 VPW and PWM switch (PB3).
04/07/2017 ---- V1.3.3.0
01/07/2017 ---- V1.3.2.0
FIX: CAN frame queue crash when receiving large amount of data (BENZ).
OPT: CAN rx handler and FIFO.
OPT: CAN reinit.
OPT: CAN filter overflow.
07/06/2017 ---- V1.3.1.0
FIX: SWCAN error for GM GDS2.
FIX: CAN filter clear.
22/05/2017 ---- V1.3.0.0
MOD: CAN hardware filter for multiple channels (for BENZ).
19/05/2017 ---- V1.2.3.11
FIX: OBD pin voltage read for new VCX-PRO device.
18/04/2017 ---- V1.2.3.10
FIX: ISO15765 standard extended address error.
FIX: CAN baud 800k error.
10/02/2017 ---- V1.2.3.6
FIX: TP20 Channel Setup ID dynamically alloc.
20/01/2017 ---- V1.2.3.5
FIX: ISO15765 free protocol_buf after receiving segment message break.
22/12/2016 ---- V1.2.3.4
FIX: BMW_KCAN extended address update automatic.
06/12/2016 ---- V1.2.3.3
Remove IDE bit from CAN filter.
02/12/2016 ---- V1.2.3.2
FIX: BMW_KCAN extended address (TX and RX different).
17/10/2016 ---- V1.2.3.1
FIX: OPEL KW82 protocol for GM Tech2Win.
13/10/2016 ---- V1.2.3.0
FIX: ISO15765 receiving error when RAW CAN message mixed.
21/07/2016 ---- V1.2.2.9
FIX: TP20 Channel request RX ID start from 0.
08/07/2016 ---- V1.2.2.8
FIX: 29bit CAN ID filter.
FIX: KW1281 protocol timer when idle.
ADD: TP20 CAN bus loopback message.
FIX: some errors.
03/05/2016 ---- V1.2.2.4
FIX: ISO15765 receive message as ISO15765 when Filter OFF.
27/04/2016 ---- V1.2.2.3
FIX: ISO15765 receive message as RAW when Filter does not set FlowControl.
16/04/2016 ---- V1.2.2.2
FIX: ISO15765 receive RX_START flag message.
FIX: DeviceInfo.HwName to be correct with SerialNo.
19/01/2016 ---- V1.2.2.1
FIX: ISO14230 receive KWP frame length process without P1MAX.
15/01/2016 ---- V1.2.2.0
FIX: ISO15765 extended address process (Toyota IMMO).
12/01/2016 ---- V1.2.1.0
FIX: Opel KW82 protocol.
05/01/2016 ---- V1.2.1.0
ADD: Protocol ISO14230, KW82.
Change protocol KW81 to KW1281.
A lot of optimizations.
04/11/2015 ---- V1.1.0.6
Optimize Protocol Timer Msg to support TXFLAG (GM J2534 programming).
Optimize Protocol Timer Msg size to 16 bytes.
03/11/2015 ---- V1.1.0.6
Optimize and correct J1850 VPW Bit timing issue (GM J2534 programming).
Correct J1850 CRC Algorithm.
Correct J1850 VPW init state to IDLE.
28/10/2015 ---- V1.1.0.5
Optimize and correct J1850 PWM Bit timing issue (FORD J2534 programming).
24/10/2015 ---- V1.1.0.4
Optimize VCX_GetDevInfo & DecodeSerial.
Auto set hardware comm interface (BT, WIFI) by device serial number.
16/10/2015 ---- V1.1.0.4 BETA
Optimize for WiFi and BT communication process automatically.
Add shell AT command for BT.
Other optimizations.
28/09/2015 ---- V1.1.0.3
Fix J1939 AC, VCX will return the Address Claim message from net.
Fix J1939 AC, When RX request AC, VCX will TX the Address after Address Claim is done.
Fix J1939 Network Manage, TX CTS must be after AC is done.
24/09/2015 ---- V1.1.0.2
Fix J1850 PWM comm RX fault after VPW deinit (TIM DeInit not correct).
17/09/2015 ---- V1.1.0.1
Optimize ISO15765 add filter time delay.
Optimize J1708 TX timing process.
15/09/2015 ---- V1.1.0.1
Fix J1939 RX error for CTS & EOMA (TX long message when calibration).
14/09/2015 ---- V1.1.0.0
VCX Boot and App update to v1.1.0.0.
Migrate to New VCX Secure Platform.
Fix some project and utility files.
01/09/2015 ---- V1.0.3.26
Fix ISO15765 TXFLAG_CAN_PAD not affecting the global param.
Fix ISO15765 RX FlowCtrl timeout process.
26/08/2015 ---- V1.0.3.25
Add TXFLAG_TX_IND to enable receiving TX Indication (TX_DONE).
28/07/2015 ---- V1.0.3.24
Fix ISO15765 FlowCtrl RX msg restore to queue.
Fix ISO15765 Default CAN Pad byte to 0x00.
Go into DFU mode when a secure error occurs.
Other optimizations.
21/07/2015 ---- V1.0.3.23
Fix TP16/TP20 T1 T3 time set to ECU.
20/07/2015 ---- V1.0.3.23
Fix ISO15765 receive RAW CAN data packet 6A0/6A1.
Fix CAN2 filter lost when CAN1 init.
Optimize VCX ReqLicense time.
27/06/2015 ---- V1.0.3.22
Optimize memory to 112KB for all protocol channel use.
Fix CAN 29bit filter error for J1939.
23/06/2015 ---- V1.0.3.21
Fix CAN Bus2 filter error for JLR.
16/06/2015 ---- V1.0.3.20
Fix J1939 Protocol (bus filter not registered after init).
12/06/2015 ---- V1.0.3.20
Fix Ford PWM error (bus IDLE state).
03/06/2015 ---- V1.0.3.20
Fix CAN Bus2 filter error for JLR.
01/06/2015 ---- V1.0.3.20
Add GM J1850VPW Protocol support for VCX-NANO.
Optimize FORD J1850 PWM Protocol Check Bus Passive State Delay (2N3904).
Optimize FORD J1850 PWM Protocol TX Bus Collision Timeout (10*50ms).
30/05/2015 ---- V1.0.3.19
Ford J1850PWM Protocol now supports ALL Products of VCX Platform.
Fix Hardware Verification Error (4 LEDs flashing) in some hardware.
20/05/2015 ---- V1.0.3.18
Add J1850PWM Protocol for Ford.
Fix CAN Filter to MAX 56 each channel.
Other completed.
27/04/2015 ---- V1.0.3.17
Add HD J1939/J1708 Support.
Other completed.
20/01/2015 ---- V1.0.3.14
Fix PIWIS-II scanning all systems.
Fix PIWIS-II programming (ISO15765 TX_STMIN delay).