VXDIAG GM GDS2 PC Software Installation Error Solution

VXDIAG GM GDS2 PC Software Installation Error Solution - VXDIAG Official Website


A customer encountered an issue where GDS2 failed to connect with the vehicle and reported a PC Software Installation Error (or Missing Server/DLL/API) while running VXDIAG VCX Nano for GM GDS2 software.

PC Software Installation Error Solution
PC Software Installation Error Solution 2

(The above screenshots are provided by the user.)

There are two possible solutions:

  1. GDS2 works better on Windows 10. We recommend switching to a Win10 system as GDS2 has poor compatibility with Win7.

  2. If the user still encounters this error on a Win10 system, it is due to a missing engineering file.

    gm installer file

Download and install this file to resolve the issue.

If you need this file, please provide the order number from your purchase on VXDIAG.com and contact us at support@vxdiag.com. This file is only available to users who purchased from this website.

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