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1. Question: How long will it take to receive the item?
Answer: Hello, we’ve received your order, and the package will be shipped from our France warehouse within 48 hours.
Let me know if you need further assistance!
2. Question: Does it support J2534 and PASSTHRU? Can I add other brand licenses in the future?
Answer: Yes, the device supports J2534 and PASSTHRU functionalities. However, with the NANO series, you cannot add licenses for other brands. If you need multi-brand support, we recommend upgrading to the SE or PLUS series for more flexibility.
3. Question: Can I use VXDIAG VCX NANO for Ford IDS and GM/Opel GDS2 on the same PC?
Answer: Hello, the VX NANO device can only support one car brand at a time and cannot add licenses for additional brands. If you purchase devices for other brands, you'll need to install the software on a separate PC or a different system. It cannot be installed on the same computer.
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