Unbiased Review: VXDIAG VCX SE for Benz Xentry DTS Vediamo [June 2024]


This is an unbiased review of the VXDIAG VCX SE for Mercedes-Benz scanner [June 2024], provided by Mr. Holmes.

Device Experience:

For me, Xentry, DTS Monaco 8.16, and Vediamo all work perfectly.

I used an Openport 2.0 for two years, and it has always been reliable, rarely letting me down. It still works well.

However, there is one issue, and that’s the SAMF204 module. The problem is that when flashing firmware or updating any modules, the encodings of the SAMF are lost! Of course, I have a backup, but fixing so many encodings in Vediamo is both painful and time-consuming. I wanted to use DTS Monaco, where restoring the encodings takes almost no time. Unfortunately, Vediamo with Openport only works with smr-d files, and I can’t find such a file for SAMF204.

It was due to this module issue that I decided to buy the VXDIAG VCX SE Benz unit. I got it this evening, reinstalled the entire system (migrating from XPT to XDOS), and installed Xentry 12.2023, DTS Monaco 8.16, Vediamo 5.01.01, and WIS 07.2021 Standalone.

It’s almost 3:00 a.m. now, and I’m updating Add-ons. While the update is in progress, I decided to share my excitement.


  • Xentry OpenShell 12.2023 is installed and working.
  • DTS Monaco 8.16 works with both smr-d and cbf files.
  • Vediamo 4.02.02 works in J2534 mode, cbf files only.

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