FAQs - VCX PLUS 13 in 1


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1. Question: Can this device work with legal OEM software? Does it support PSA, Renault, and Jeep? Or does it only run programs pre-installed on the hard drive?
Answer: Hi, this device only supports the car brands listed in the description. It doesn’t support PSA, Renault, or Jeep. However, you can purchase licenses to add to the device. If you have OEM software, it can work with that too.
2. Question: My car's ECU was stolen, it's a 2017 Chevrolet Spark Activ from Mexico. Which VXDIAG can program the new ECU? If I need a license, do you sell them?
Answer: Hi, ECU programming requires an original online subscription through ACDelco. We don’t sell subscriptions.
3. Question: Do you have any solutions for Mopar?
Answer: Hi, sorry, we don't have a device or software that supports Mopar at the moment.
4. Question: Can I get a Jeep/Chrysler module for my multiplexer?
Answer: Hi, sorry, VXDIAG currently doesn’t support Chrysler or Jeep. But some VXDIAG users have successfully used the device to complete their requirements. You can check out this article: VXDIAG VCX device for Chrysler PCM Update
5. Question: Do you offer any scanners for Dodge/Chrysler?
Answer: Hi, sorry, we don't have a scanner for Chrysler/Dodge at this time. But some VXDIAG users have successfully used the device to complete their requirements. You can check out this article: VXDIAG VCX device for Chrysler PCM Update
6. Question: Can the installed software do online coding and programming, or does it only work offline?
Answer: Hi, the software works offline. If you want to do online coding, you’ll need your own online account. We don’t provide online accounts.
7. Question: Does this device support the DOIP protocol for all brands? Can you ship to India?
Answer: Hi, thank you for your message! Yes, we can ship this item to India, no problem.
8. Question: Hi, I need to update my VCI device, the serial number is V83XD02196. Can you send me the patch by email?
Answer: Hi, to update the firmware, just install the latest version of VX Manager (v1.8.4.0315), then connect the device to your laptop for the firmware update. Here’s the download link: https://vxdiag.com/pages/quick-start-guide Once downloaded, install the new VX Manager, connect your device to your laptop, make sure it’s online, and then open VX Manager. Click "Firmware" to update, and then click "Update license" to renew.

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